All about
Lombardy region:
Waterfall del Vo, Schilpario
Schilpario Comune, Bergamo Provincia, Lombardia Regione, Italia
Not far from Schilpario there is a small, but very picturesque Waterfall del Vo. The road to it starts from the restaurant Chalet del Vo. While walking for half an hour along a country path in the shade of trees, you can enjoy the beauty of the waterfall. The waterfall of the River Vo (Torrente Vo) ...
Acquafraggia Waterfall, Borgonuovo
Borgonuovo, Piuro Comune, Sondrio Provincia, Lombardia Regione, Italia
The Acquafraggia Waterfall in Borgonuovo is one of the most beautiful in Lombardy. It originates from glaciers in the Alps near the border with Switzerland. Originating at an altitude of more than 3 thousand meters, this mountain stream descends to the Mera River and flows into it just above the ...
Lake Garda
расположено вблизи южного подножья Альп; прилегающие курорты - Гарда, Сирмионе, Дезенцано-дель-Гарда, Бардолино, Мальчезине, Рива-дель-Гарда
Lake Garda is the largest and most beautiful lake in Italy. It is located in the North of the country, on the Southern side of the Alps, between Milan and Venice. A pleasant Mediterranean climate contributes to the fact that there are many tourists here not only in summer, but also in spring ...
Orto Botanico "Lorenzo Rota", Bergamo
Скалетта ди Колле Аперто, Бергамо 24129, Ломбардия, Италия
In the Upper Bergamo, far from the city bustle, noise and transport there is the Orto Botanico "Lorenzo Rota". Its territory is 2400 m². Here hundreds of species of the most incredible plants are waiting to meet with curious visitors. In addition, the garden staff is engaged in the restoration of ...
Fish Park Paradise, Zelo Buon Persico
Виа Доссо часть виллы Помпеана, Дзело Буон Персико 26839, Италия
Fish Park Paradise in Zelo Buon Persico invites visitors to dive into the fascinating world of fish. Here you can find around 20 fish species. Thanks to underwater observatories you can watch local creatures up close without causing disturbance in their lives. The park consists of many ponds ...
Sempione Park, Milan
Piazza Sempione, 20154 Milano MI, Italia
Sempione Park is located in the historic part of Milan. It was built in 1888 in the city center. It was named in honor of the road with the same name, which appeared in the days of Napoleon – Corso Sempione. The Sempione park project belongs to the architect Emilio Alemagna. This site has long been ...
Lake Como
расположено в регионе Ломбардия, в 40 километрах к северу от Милана; прилегающие коммуны - Комо, Лекко, Черноббио, Лальо, Белладжо, Менаджо, Варенна
Fauna Park Cornelle, Valbrembo
Via Cornelle, 16, 24030 Valbrembo, Italia
Waterfall Cascate de Valle del Vo, Schilpario Commune
Schilpario Comune, Bergamo Provincia, Lombardia Regione, Italia
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