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Ponte Giuseppe Mazzini, Rome

Ponte Giuseppe Mazzini, Rome

Ponte Giuseppe Mazzini is an unusual and unique bridge that stretches across the Tiber River and connects two historical districts of Rome: Trastevere and Regola. The bridge is quite modern, the construction dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, however its unusual architecture and illumination attract many tourists.

History of the Mazzini Bridge

Ponte Giuseppe Mazzini, also known as the Mazzini Bridge, received its name in honor of the Italian politician and philosopher, active participant of the Italian liberation movement – Giuseppe Mazzini. The first time the structure was named Ponte Gianicolense, in memory of the ancient bridge, which was located on this place.

The construction of the bridge lasted 4 years from 1904 to 1908, the grand opening took place in 1908. The composition of the bridge is three stone arches decorated with carved parapets made of stone. The length of the Mazzini Bridge reaches 108 m.

The evening illumination of the bridge deserves particular attention – it is so unusual that it seems as if a brightly lit electric train is traveling along the bridge.

For residents of the Eternal City, mentioning of the Mazzini Bridge inevitably evokes associations with the Regina Coeli prison, which is nearby. The reason is that for many years all the prisoners were sent to prison exclusively through this bridge. However, it is impossible to see the building of the prison from the Mazzini Bridge, since it is closed by buildings built along the embankment.

How to get there

Mazzini Bridge is located in the central part of Rome. It will be an interesting place to visit during a walking tour of the city, and there are also public transport routes: buses No. 23, 40, 62, 64, 81, 87, 280, 916.


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