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Milan province:
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- Pogliano Milanese
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- Pregnana Milanese
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- Robecchetto con Induno
- Robecco sul Naviglio
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- San Colombano al Lambro
- San Donato Milanese
- San Giorgio su Legnano
- San Giuliano Milanese
- San Vittore Olona
- San Zenone al Lambro
- Santo Stefano Ticino
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- Settimo Milanese
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- Trezzano sul Naviglio
- Trezzo sull'Adda
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- Vanzago
- Vaprio d'Adda
- Vermezzo
- Vernate
- Vignate
- Villa Cortese
- Vimodrone
- Vittuone
- Vizzolo Predabissi
- Zelo Surrigone
- Zibido San Giacomo
Pinocchio Fountain, Milan
Corso Indipendenza, 20129 Milano, Italia
The Pinocchio Fountain in Milan is dedicated to a boy from a fairy tale who used to be a wooden puppet. How long since you last read fairy tales? How long since you saw fairy tale characters? Milan is able to surprise. This time it surprises with a monumental fountain dedicated to the fairy tale ...
Cinque Giornate Monument, Milan
Piazza Cinque Giornate, 20129 Milano, Italia
The Monument to the Five Days (Monumento alle Cinque Giornate) is located in the historical centre of Milan. The sculpture rises above a spacious square. You won't see people having fun and laughing near it since the events that preceded the installation of the monument occupy one of the central ...
Monument to Felice Cavallotti, Milan
Via Marina, 20121 Milano, Italia
Installed in the very centre of the city, the monument to Felice Cavallotti in Milan differs greatly from other standard monuments dedicated to historical personalities. Its elaborated form implies that the life of the person which it honours was also uncommon. You will certainly stop for a moment ...
The Four Seasons Fountain, Milan
Piazza Giulio Cesare, 20145 Milano, Italia
Fontana delle Quattro Stagioni is the biggest in Milan. Perhaps, for someone the most beautiful either. If there are people who disagree with this statement they will definitely include this fountain in the top three in the Italian fashion capital after seeing it. That said, it will be embarrassing ...
Fountain of San Francesco, Milan
Piazza Sant’Angelo, Milano, Italia
The fountain of San Francesco in Milan (La Fontana di San Francesco) seems much older than it really is. Its actual age is only approaching 100 years. Despite being located not far from the centre, the fountain offers a traveller a repose from hustle and bustle. A calm atmosphere is complemented by ...
Museo Poldi Pezzoli, Milan
Via Alessandro Manzoni 12, 20121 Milano MI, Italia
Museo Poldi Pezzoli in Milan was founded as a private collection. Nowadays, it contains many works of art and decorative objects. Due to the quantity and quality of the exhibits, the collection is one of the most significant in Italy, and the museum itself has become one of the most famous museum ...
Brera Art Gallery, Milan
Via Brera 28, 20121 Milano, Italia
Brera Art Gallery (Pinacoteca di Brera) in Milan is an art gallery that is one of the largest and most famous galleries in the city. For over 200 years it has been a place of pilgrimage for art lovers. The museum features one of the most famous collections of Venetian and Lombardian pictorial ...
Villa Reale, Milan
Via Palestro 16 - 20121 Milan, Italia
Villa Reale in Milan, also known as Villa Communale or the Royal Villa, is one of the main attractions of the city. This building in the style of Classicism, along with an exquisite park appeared in the late 18th century. Today, the building of the villa is the Gallery of Modern Art with a ...
Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milan
Piazza Santa Maria delle Grazie, Milano, Italia
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I want to visit
Santa Maria delle Grazie is one of the main attractions of Milan. It is one of the churches of the Dominican monastery. Every year, millions of travelers from all over the world come to look at the majestic structure. Of course, the Last Supper – fresco by da Vinci is the highlight of the church, ...
Sforza Castle, Milan
Piazza Castello, 27029 Milano, Italia
You will need more than one day to get around and get a good look at the Castello Sforzesco, located in Milan. This huge ancient building holds not only a long and troubled history, but also a lot of museums devoted to a wide variety of topics: from mysteries of ancient Egypt and the evolution of ...
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