Statue of Pasquino, Rome

The most interesting ancient statue, known as Pasquino, stands on the corner of Piazza di Pasquino and the Palazzo Braschi, on the west side of Piazza Navona in Rome. The exact origin of the Pasquino statue is not known to this day. But this is the first and most popular of the "talking" statues of Rome.
What is a "talking" statue
In the 16th century, Rome had one special tradition. To express their views and preferences in an anonymous order, people attached notes to the sculptures of the city. So they could express their dissatisfaction with power and political situation.
Pasquillo also means satirical works, caricatures and slander. This was a very annoying factor for the Roman authorities, especially for popes. At one time the authors of pasquillo were even threatened with the death penalty. Despite this, the fighters for justice continued to glue their masterpieces at night, and in the morning, before the carabineers destroyed the leaflets, the people had time to read and distribute them.
History of the Statue of Pasquino
The most famous out of these statues, nicknamed Pasquino, remains a mystery. It was discovered in 1501 during the reconstruction of the road leading to the Palazzo Orsini. Cardinal Oliviero Carafa ordered to place the statue at his palace in Parion, where it remains to this day.
According to historians, the armless torso had previously adorned one of the Roman streets. Perhaps it is a fragment of a statue of some deity or hero. In the 18th century, it was assumed that it could be a statue of "Menelaus, carrying the body of Patroclus", created in the 3rd century BC, or a copy of it.
How to get there
The Statue of Pasquino in Rome is located on the corner of Via di Pasquino and Via di S.Pantaleo. You can get there by bus № 46, 62, 64, 916, 916F, N5, N15, N20 to the stop of C. so Vittorio Emanuele/navona.