All about
Mantua province:
Palazzo del Te, Mantua
Viale Te 13, 46100 Mantova, Italia
Palazzo del Te in Mantua is a recognized masterpiece created by the architect and artist Giulio Romano. The building is made in the style of Italian Mannerism commissioned by the Duke of Mantua Federico II Gonzaga. The palace was used as a country villa for leisure and entertainment of the ruler of ...
Capitano Palace, Mantua
Piazza Sordello 40, 46100 Mantova, Lombardia Regione, Italia
Palazzo del Te, Mantua
Viale Te 13, 46100 Mantova, Lombardia, Italia
Ducal Palace, Mantua
Piazza Sordello 40, 46100 Mantova, Lombardia, Italia
Via Garibaldi
Via Garibaldi, Recco, Genoa, Italy
Via Garibaldi - old street located in the heart of Genoa. This place is world famous for its stunning palaces that once belonged to the Genoese aristocracy.
The construction of this street was launched in 1550, it settled on the most wealthy and noble families of the time. Before the auction, ...
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