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Mont-Blanc Mount

Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in Western Europe. The height of the crystalline array is 4800 meters above sea level. Mont Blanc in the Alps on the border of France and Italy.
The length of the mountain range over 50 miles, and the width is 12 kilometers. Today, more than two hundred square kilometers of this array is located under the glaciers.
The Mont Blanc road tunnel laid a length of 11.6 kilometers.
It's an amazing place attracts tourists from all over the world. Here organize their competitions snowboarders, climbers and skiers. First attempt to climb this mountain took writer Richard Pocock and military William Uinhem. But they have not reached their goal. The first ascent of Mont Blanc made ​​a doctor Michel Gabriel Paccard and hunter Jacques Balma. In 1924, at the foot of Mont Blanc, the I Olympic Winter Games.
In the vicinity of Mont Blanc is often carried out archaeological excavations, and in 1991 there were found the remains of ancient man, who mummified state lain under a thick layer of snow over five thousand years.
To get to the top of the mountain may be the only professional athletes. However, at the top of Pointe Helbronner equipped with modern observation deck, which offers a magnificent view of the surrounding landscape, this far from La-Paul-sur-Verdon funicular climbs.

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