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Mal di Ventre Island

Mal di Ventre Island

Mal di Ventre is an island located near the coast of Sardinia, about 6-7 km from the coast. It is part of the province of Oristano, the commune of Cabras. In the translation from the local dialect the name of the island sounds like "bad air" or "bad wind", it is connected with the mistral wind – a constant strong West wind.

Nature of the island

The area of ​​the Mal di Ventre is 80 hectares, the relief is flat, the altitude above sea level does not exceed 18 m. In connection with the mistral, the Eastern coast is more gentle, it has sandy beaches, the Western coast is more rocky. There is almost none of the fresh water on the island, the only source is rain water. The park of the island of Mal di Ventre is a nature reserve area, it is part of the "Sinis Peninsula – Mal di Ventre Island" reserve.

The flora is rich in Mediterranean plants: herbs, rosemary, dwarf palm and others. The animal world of the island includes: rabbits, spur-thighed tortoise, cormorants, seagulls, royal falcon, monk seals.

History of Mal di Ventre

The first settlements on the island date back to the Neolithic period, the evidence of which are the remains of the ancient settlement. During the excavations on the island, statues of the goddess of fertility were found. Also to this day, towers are preserved. They were built during the Spanish conquest of Sardinia.

How to get there

The island of Mal di Ventre is uninhabited, however in summer it is very actively visited by tourists. You can get here from Sardinia on the water.


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