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Monument of Felice Govean, Turin

Monument of Felice Govean, Turin

Monument of Felice Govean in Turin is located quite far from the city center. This is a vivid example of true patriotism, manifested in word and deed. Felice Govean was the Italian journalist of the 19th century. He was quite revolutionary and created the newspaper Gazzetta del Popolo in 1848. It was aimed at working class and small bourgeoisie. It frankly preached revolutionary ideas. In 1849 he took active part in Risorgimento, for what he was arrested. In 1861, he left the newspaper, which functioned successfully for 135 years. In the same year of 1861 he became the master of the Masonic lodge in Turin. He died in 1898, and immediately after his death, the collection of funds for the creation of a monument began. In 1900 the project of the sculptor Francesco Sassi was approved. The monument was opened in 1906.

Bronze was used for creation of statues, and gray granite – for the pedestal. A bust of the journalist was installed on the pedestal, and bas-reliefs on its sides: two hands in a handshake as a symbol of worker solidarity, and Ouroboros serpent, biting its own tail as a symbol of time. At the base of the pedestal there is a sculpture of Genius: a bare young man with a laurel wreath on his head, holding a flag in one hand and a pen in the other. It symbolizes the commitment of Felice Goveana to freedom.

How to get there

Monument to Felice Goveanu is located in the San Salvario district, in a small park at the intersection of Via Madama Cristina and Via Francesco Petrarca. Closer to the center of the city there are statues of associates of Goveana – journalists Alessandro Borella and Giovanna Bottero. You can reach the monument by buses № 18, S18. Get off at the Dante stop.


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