Greek Walls of Piazza Bellini, Naples

Piazza Bellini is located in the heart of Naples and is rightly considered its intellectual heart. Many famous universities, musical conservatories, as well as the famous monuments of the ancient architecture of the city – the remains of Greek walls – are situated here.
The Greek Walls of Piazza Bellini are the ruins of the once powerful defenses that were built by the Greeks and Romans back in the 4th century BC. They were built to strengthen the city and protect it from the raids of enemy tribes. Sturdy natural stone was used to create this construction, which insured the long existence of these walls and helped them to stay preserved till our times. In Naples, there are several places where you can find the remains of Greek walls, for example, on Piazza Calenda. The ruins on Piazza Bellini are in much better condition, in comparison with the latter.
How to get there
The Greek Walls of Piazza Bellini in Naples are situated next to the street Santa Maria di Costantinopoli. The nearest metro stations: Dante.