Juliet's House
Juliet`s House - Old house, built in the 13th century in Verona, Italy. It is in its walls gens Dal Capello - a prototype of Shakespeare`s family Capulet. From year to year the house sold, and only in the 30s of the 20th century, it is fully restored.
The extraordinary atmosphere prevails inside the house - are all recreated interiors according to the historical time lived lovers Romeo and Juliet. Here and unusual ornaments ceilings and frescoes on the walls, and the famous fireplace with the emblem of the Capulets.
Especially popular among tourists Juliet`s balcony, made from an ancient sarcophagus of the 14th century - the one which, according to Shakespeare, Romeo came to love. Attention should be paid and the bronze statue of Juliet`s Verona sculptor Nereo Costantini, touch to which all lovers. Naked hand side of the chest and hand polished to a shine solar thousands of hugs and touches.
Since 1997, the House of Juliet is a museum.