Civic Museum, Siena

Civic Museum in Siena (Museo Civico) is located on Piazza del Campo in the Palazzo Pubblico, on the first floor. The doors of the museum-gallery were opened for the first time in 1930. Today, in order to explore all the collections of the Palazzo, it will take, perhaps, a whole day. The gallery can be viewed in about an hour. The museum is open daily.
Exhibits of the museum
In the halls of the Civic Museum you can see:
Paintings of artists of 14–19 centuries. The gallery contains original paintings by Simone Martini, Lippo Vanni, Bartolo di Fredi, Sano di Pietro, Duccio di Buoninsegna and others. An important place in the museum is given to the works of Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Among them there is the world famous image-utopia – The Allegory of Good and Bad Government.
Frescoes of the 19th century, located in six rooms:
- Sala del Risorgimento with historical frescoes by Pietro Aldi, Amos Cassioli, Cesare Maccari and others;
- Sala di Balia, which contains 13 Spinello Aretino frescoes;
- Sala del Concistoro with cretions of Domenico Beccafumi and sculptures by Bernardo Rossellino;
- Sala del Mappamondo with fresco Maestà;
- Sala dei Nove, which is decorated with the works of the citizens of Siena and Ambrogio Lorenzetti;
- chapel with a series of frescoes about the life of the Virgin Mary.
How to get there
The museum is located in the heart of Siena, in the the Palazzo Pubblico. However, it can only be reached on foot, as no transport will pass through the narrow streets to the Palazzo. Therefore, at first you will have to walk to the Piazza del Campo – and on its open area you will find a palace with the address Piazza del Campo, 1.
Opening hours every day:
- From November 1 to March 15 from 10:00 to 18:00.
- From March 16 to October 31 from 10:00 to 19:00.