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Monte Petrosu, Santu Lussurgiu

Monte Petrosu, Santu Lussurgiu

Monte Petrosu is a peak in the mountain system of Montiferru in the commune of Santu Lussurgiu near the administrative centre of Oristano. Due to its accessibility and height, Monte Petrosu is very popular and has various tourist routes and ecological trails. Monte Petrosu, as well as other peaks of the mountain range of Montiferru, is composed of volcanic rocks. Among which are basalt rocks, trachyte, phonolite, hawaiite and other magmatic volcanic rocks.

In the period from 3.9 to 1.6 million years BC, in the Pliocene epoch, there was a volcano, the last activity of which took place 3.6 million years ago.

How to get there

Monte Petrosu is located on the west coast of Sardinia. You can get here from Cagliari, the largest port city on the island. In order to do this, follow the road SS131, take the SS292 road at the intersection of St Antonio and proceed to the town of Cuglieri, from where you can take the road SP19, which leads to the mountaintop.

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