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Statue of Luigi Galvani, Bologna

Statue of Luigi Galvani, Bologna

The monument of Luigi Galvani (Monumento a Luigi Galvani) in the center of Bologna stands on the small square of the same name. The statue is dedicated to the famous scientist who was born and worked in Bologna. Many ordinary citizens and all those who are in any way related to medicine probably have heard about him.

Historical personality

At first, Luigi Galvani graduated from the famous University of Bologna and wrote a thesis on theology. However, later he changed the professional field, having also defended a dissertation on medicine. Soon he began to teach medicine and engaged in scientific activities. He studied anatomy and physiology, and it was Galvani who first did research muscle contraction under the influence of electricity. Yes, he was the first to carry out the now well-known and quite ordinary experiment on frogs. And so he became the founder of electrophysiology and as a result – famous. Moreover, there is still such thing as galvanism in medical terminology. The scientist died in 1798. Then in 1860, a lyceum in Bologna was named after him, in 1871 – the square where the monument was installed received his name as well. And almost 100 years later, in 1961, even a lunar crater began to carry the researcher’s name.

Sculptural design

In 1874, the money needed for the creation of a monument was finally collected. That’s when a competition for artists was announced. A young and unknown Adalberto Cencetti won. Such outcome caused controversy and outrage from more experienced sculptors. Nevertheless, Adalberto approached the creation of the statue wisely: he studied scientist’s portraits and modeled man’s figure and face. He even invited a priest who looked like Galvani to model. The artist worked on the statue for 9 months. The result of his works was opened on November 9, 1879, on the square near the city library of the Archiginnasio. The latter used to house the University of Bologna, where Luigi Galvani worked.

The monument is completely made of white marble. A bronze relief with a laurel wreath and scepter is set on the high plinth. The plinth also has a very detailed statue of a scientist depicted in typical for that time clothes standing on it. He is bending over a high table studying the results of his famous experiment on frogs. There are several books on the table that support a plate with an amphibian.

How to get

The monument is located in the historical center of Bologna, on Piazza Galvani. There is a statue of the famous politician Marco Minghetti and the Civic Archaeological Museum nearby. The closest bus stops are Piazza Galvani (buses № 29, A, C) and Farini (buses № 11, 13, 14, 19, 20, 30, 38, 39, 52, 62, 96, T2).


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