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Giuseppe Petrosino Museum, Padula

Giuseppe Petrosino Museum, Padula

Giuseppe Petrosino or Joe Petrosino is a world-famous policeman from New York who devoted his life to fighting organized crime. Even today, many of his methods are used in the work of law enforcement agencies around the world, which again confirms the professionalism and natural flair of this detective.

Exhibits of the Giuseppe Petrosino Museum

The house-museum of Giuseppe Petrosino was created in honor of the policeman, who together with his family emigrated from his native Italian town Padula to the USA in 1874. During his brilliant career, Giuseppe Petrosino encountered such world celebrities as Italian tenor Enrico Caruso and 25th US President William McKinley. The restless policeman actively fought against the Sicilian mafia, but, unfortunately, on March 12, 1909, he died from hands of the Italian mafiosi.

The House-Museum presents many unique items and exhibits that are relevant to the official activities and life of the famous detective. The police uniform, numerous portraits of Petrosino family members made at different times, notes from newspapers, cutlery, furniture, personal items, wardrobe items, certificates, awards and much more.

How to get there

The house-museum of Giuseppe Petrosino in Padula is situated on Giuseppe Petrosino Street, 6.

Opening hours:

  • winter: from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 15:00 to 18:00;
  • summer: 09:30 to 19:30.


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